
Tag: perspective

Week 30, 2024

Week 30, 2024

If there are people around you, and you want to make their lives better, help them move forward... and for yourself... make a plan and start marching down the path of your own creation.

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Week 26, 2024

Week 26, 2024

Take seriously how important it is to model the future you want in younger people.

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Week 25, 2024

Week 25, 2024

What do you want?  And how can you go about getting at it? I am on that journey with you, wandering around in the dark, trying to make sense of how to "do this right".

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Week 19, 2024

Week 19, 2024

Maintenance isn't fun, usually, and often seems like a waste of time. But if you stop thinking of these things as your possessions, and start thinking of yourself of a caretaker, the relationship becomes richer and more meaningful. And it also helps sort the wheat from the chaff with regard to your stuff. If you aren't willing to have a relationship with it, it probably owns you.

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Week 17, 2024

Week 17, 2024

It is easier to tolerate conflict when you are wound up and expecting it.  It requires a much more skillful touch and a stronger constitution to be easy, free and geared up for peace, but competent and ready for battle. 

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Week 13, 2024

Week 13, 2024

Be earnest!  It's more vulnerable, but infinitely better for all of us, and one of the best ways to make the most of your 4000 weeks. 

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Week 9, 2024

Week 9, 2024

Once you realize that you are facing that much change in the future, it becomes clear how important it is to be intentional about how you want to change, and what world you want to live in when you get there.

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Week 7, 2024

Week 7, 2024

Sometimes a thing just has to be done in less than ideal circumstances. And if it has to be done, just do it, and try to smile. The second you realize that you have choice, then the question is: "Who do I want to become?"

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Week 6, 2024

Week 6, 2024

Nearly everyone overestimates what they can get done in a day, and underestimates what they can get done in a year.

Expect great things for yourself... we're all counting on you

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Week 50, 2023

Week 50, 2023

Spend time with your family and friends. The to-do list will still be there when you return.

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