Weekly Newsletter

Tag: reflection

Week 36, 2024

Week 36, 2024

The rivers are moving to the sea, and we are moving toward the same; the sea of molecules and matter from which all life springs and eventually returns.

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Week 33, 2024

Week 33, 2024

The goal is to be great on your best days, and good enough on your worst.

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Week 25, 2024

Week 25, 2024

What do you want?  And how can you go about getting at it? I am on that journey with you, wandering around in the dark, trying to make sense of how to "do this right".

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Week 9, 2024

Week 9, 2024

Once you realize that you are facing that much change in the future, it becomes clear how important it is to be intentional about how you want to change, and what world you want to live in when you get there.

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Week 2, 2024

Week 2, 2024

Your "self" isn't immutable. You aren't "a certain type of person". You are an evolving experiment. One that is certainly affected by the observer, and one whose outcome is affected by the inputs. If you want to carry something different in your heart, you can do that. You just have to want it bad enough that you can let go of the person you have been.

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Week 52, 2023

Week 52, 2023

Your life is a project. It is a complex, multi-dimensional initiative that would require a department of 100 people to successfully bring to market. But... you are just one person, not a department of 100... 

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Week 51, 2023

Week 51, 2023

If you are considering a change for the better, you need to acknowledge the you that you have to let go of. It's ok to be sad and to grieve that version of yourself... but the price of every new and better version of you is leaving the old version behind.

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Week 48, 2023

Week 48, 2023

The reason for the season, regardless of which flavor your tribe celebrates, is to be generous and kind with your time, attention, and treasure.

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Week 45, 2023

Week 45, 2023

Having a failure is fine, maybe even essential. I think we are all who we are because of how we handled adversity more than how we handle success. You don't have to own anything outside of your control. All you can control is how you take the next step through the world. 

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Week 27, 2023

Week 27, 2023

Your path is your path

And while it may be informed by the good and bad choices of all those who came before you, you (and you only) bear responsibility for your path.

And so own it, make peace with it, rip the band-aids off, look your weaknesses and shortcomings in the eye and just keep growing.

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