
Tag: future

Week 9, 2024

Week 9, 2024

Once you realize that you are facing that much change in the future, it becomes clear how important it is to be intentional about how you want to change, and what world you want to live in when you get there.

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Week 6, 2024

Week 6, 2024

Nearly everyone overestimates what they can get done in a day, and underestimates what they can get done in a year.

Expect great things for yourself... we're all counting on you

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Week 4, 2024

Week 4, 2024

You can choose to be tougher. You should value toughness over ability. You always have a choice to endure, to push yourself a bit farther than you prefer.

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Week 45, 2023

Week 45, 2023

Having a failure is fine, maybe even essential. I think we are all who we are because of how we handled adversity more than how we handle success. You don't have to own anything outside of your control. All you can control is how you take the next step through the world. 

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Week 12, 2023

Week 12, 2023

Here is the thing, and I don't mean for this to be a heavy burden, but... The Universe needs you to be striving. Striving to be a better: human, dad, mom, business person, neighbor, etc. 

The only way to lead is by example, and that means being better.  I want to live in a universe where you expect greatness from me, and I expect greatness from you.

Not as a contest among mortals, but as extreme ownership mutually shared among divine beings.

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