
Tag: best version of yourself

Week 30, 2024

Week 30, 2024

If there are people around you, and you want to make their lives better, help them move forward... and for yourself... make a plan and start marching down the path of your own creation.

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Week 22, 2024

Week 22, 2024

We should be looking for high leverage activities.  Levers that, when we pull them, make a much bigger impact than the effort it took to pull them. 

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April 21, 2024

April 21, 2024

When a person is set against adversity, where success is improbable, either as a team or an individual, and they rise to the occasion, it fills us up and makes us proud to be human... regardless of the skill level.

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Week 17, 2024

Week 17, 2024

It is easier to tolerate conflict when you are wound up and expecting it.  It requires a much more skillful touch and a stronger constitution to be easy, free and geared up for peace, but competent and ready for battle. 

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Week 13, 2024

Week 13, 2024

Be earnest!  It's more vulnerable, but infinitely better for all of us, and one of the best ways to make the most of your 4000 weeks. 

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Week 3, 2024

Week 3, 2024

Focus on becoming the person you need to be to accomplish the goals that you need to accomplish, to achieve the dreams that you have for yourself. Think of yourself as the author, not the character...

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Week 1, 2024

Week 1, 2024

You have to be ok with an imperfect start. You have to laser focus on your goal while still fending off and plowing through all of the INEVITABLE distractions. It's more important to be resilient and persistent than it is to be perfect.

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Week 52, 2023

Week 52, 2023

Your life is a project. It is a complex, multi-dimensional initiative that would require a department of 100 people to successfully bring to market. But... you are just one person, not a department of 100... 

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Week 51, 2023

Week 51, 2023

If you are considering a change for the better, you need to acknowledge the you that you have to let go of. It's ok to be sad and to grieve that version of yourself... but the price of every new and better version of you is leaving the old version behind.

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Week 49, 2023

Week 49, 2023

We are all recovering. Relapse is part of recovery. In everything that you want to improve, on every personal hill that you are climbing, you will eventually backslide. Hopefully you don't tumble all the way down the hill. Hopefully you slide to a stop and immediately refocus on the summit that inspired you in the first place. 

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