Weekly Newsletter
Tag: accomplish a goal

Week #3, 2025

Week #2, 2025

Week 30, 2024

April 21, 2024

Week 52, 2023

Week 46, 2023
Certainly the structure of our world isn't fair, and clearly, when the deck is literally stacked against you, and when the culture you exist in is built to keep you down, "I think I cans" have to hit a bit different. But... even if you start on home base, or in the dugout, or in the parking lot... I still believe that: believing in yourself, holding yourself accountable, having a forward-focused attitude, pushing yourself beyond what you think you can accomplish, and hustling matters.

Week 37, 2023

Week 36, 2023

Week 35, 2023

Week 32, 2023
I believe that chasing dreams IS holy magic in a sacred place. I want to shake all of the joyless people working an angle, and tell them "WE NEED YOUR FULL CREATIVITY AND ENROLLMENT HERE!!!" Please, this week, regardless of the cost/benefit calculation, bring your full self to whatever you are doing. It will help make the world a more interesting place for all of us.
We are launching the 66 Day Massive Action Society in September. The 66 Day M.A.S. is my attempt to help you squeeze a bit more juice out of life for a minute. It's a sprint to accomplish a big project, and/or a streak to help you change a habit. It is 66 days of a daily action, defined by you, to accomplish a goal, defined by you.
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