Weekly Newsletter

Tag: good habits

Week 22, 2024

Week 22, 2024

We should be looking for high leverage activities.  Levers that, when we pull them, make a much bigger impact than the effort it took to pull them. 

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Week 10, 2024

Week 10, 2024

None of us is perfect. The goal should be to be great in act 60 % or more of the time.  That is when you will see growth, and start to build habits to put that 60% on autopilot so you can get to the remaining 40%. Sometimes I remind myself that everything is a trend... make sure your good habits are trending up and to the right.

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Week 50, 2023

Week 50, 2023

Spend time with your family and friends. The to-do list will still be there when you return.

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Week 37, 2023

Week 37, 2023

When I was young, I couldn't understand when people would say "You can't have light if you don't have dark, no life without death." As I have gotten older, I have slowly been able to wrap my head around how a thing defines itself by an opposing force...  But I still don't like it.

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Week 31, 2023

Week 31, 2023

It takes a lot of energy to change directions. All the grooves, and habits, and routines are tugging you back to the into the rut of the old you, and you MUST keep working until you are free of the gravitational pull of the old stuff and into the orbit of the new you.

You can do it. You just have to do it, and then keep doing it.

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