
Tag: Your path

Week 29, 2024

Week 29, 2024

The only way to heal and grow stronger is to rip off the band-aid, look honestly at the festering wound, and start cutting out the rot.

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Week 22, 2024

Week 22, 2024

We should be looking for high leverage activities.  Levers that, when we pull them, make a much bigger impact than the effort it took to pull them. 

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Week 16, 2024

Week 16, 2024

Everything is always a struggle. And in light of that truth, the truth that the path ahead is murky and overgrown at BEST, your mindset and your intention are likely more important than the choices you make moment to moment.

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Week 15, 2024

Week 15, 2024

I think of The Great Sadness as the hole that none of us can fill.  No matter how hard you try... you just can't fill it. It's something you just have to hold, awkwardly...

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Week 3, 2024

Week 3, 2024

Focus on becoming the person you need to be to accomplish the goals that you need to accomplish, to achieve the dreams that you have for yourself. Think of yourself as the author, not the character...

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Week 48, 2023

Week 48, 2023

The reason for the season, regardless of which flavor your tribe celebrates, is to be generous and kind with your time, attention, and treasure.

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Week 27, 2023

Week 27, 2023

Your path is your path

And while it may be informed by the good and bad choices of all those who came before you, you (and you only) bear responsibility for your path.

And so own it, make peace with it, rip the band-aids off, look your weaknesses and shortcomings in the eye and just keep growing.

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