Weekly Newsletter
Tag: choices
Week 35, 2024
Can we change our nature and pop our wheels out of the ruts of a familiar trail when we are hopeful for a new track? Is that what is required? Or is it enough to just become slightly better at observing the signals the universe sends to us?
Week 29, 2024
The only way to heal and grow stronger is to rip off the band-aid, look honestly at the festering wound, and start cutting out the rot.
Week 27, 2024
Thinking of time as a cycle rather than a unidirectional line has made the background anxiety around current crises easier to bear.
Week 18, 2024
When you start focusing on how someone else isn't on the right path, you take your eyes off your own path. As long as they aren't telling you how you should live, let them fly their flag.
Week 16, 2024
Everything is always a struggle. And in light of that truth, the truth that the path ahead is murky and overgrown at BEST, your mindset and your intention are likely more important than the choices you make moment to moment.
Week 12, 2024
Give something nearly all that you have this week. Somehow, in some way, ask yourself to do more than you think you can, and then just ask again for a bit more.
Week 9, 2024
Once you realize that you are facing that much change in the future, it becomes clear how important it is to be intentional about how you want to change, and what world you want to live in when you get there.
Week 48, 2023
The reason for the season, regardless of which flavor your tribe celebrates, is to be generous and kind with your time, attention, and treasure.
Week 46, 2023
Certainly the structure of our world isn't fair, and clearly, when the deck is literally stacked against you, and when the culture you exist in is built to keep you down, "I think I cans" have to hit a bit different. But... even if you start on home base, or in the dugout, or in the parking lot... I still believe that: believing in yourself, holding yourself accountable, having a forward-focused attitude, pushing yourself beyond what you think you can accomplish, and hustling matters.
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