Weekly Newsletter
Tag: kindness

Week #7, 2025
Week #7 of 2025 has arrived. The world is changing. But then again, it always is. What doesn't change? The seasons, the sunrise, the truth that the world is a place of abundance, if you would only start to see it. Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? Last week on the podcast I mentioned that I was curious who listens... I said I would consider 10 emails that said "I'm listening" a success. We received 6. So, this week on the podcast I joked that it was the last week of the podcast. Likely there was at least one person who, in the pregnant pause, thought, "Dang, I should have sent...
good life,
living well,

Week #1, 2025
Week #1 of 2025 has arrived. Wow... look at that stretch of empty squares! So much potential energy waiting to be unleashed on the world! Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? It's a NEW YEAR, and so... a new look to the newsletter! Let me know what you think, and thanks to Eli, my spectacular executive assistant, for all of her hard work pulling it together. I know this is a bit strange... getting the Week #1 of 2025 email on 12/29/2024. But, come Wednesday we will be in the middle of Week #1, 2025. So, think of these 2 days left in 2024 as a launch ramp. ...

Week #38, 2024
I think that committing to a Daily Action, for a period of time, is the best way to change the trajectory of your life.

Week 14, 2024
Our daily lives are full of routines that provide opportunities to build community. You have to notice and then act.

Week 42, 2023
It's ok to just acknowledge that something sucks...And when a friend is in a tight spot, you don't have to always provide a solution...I always want to find solutions. But... not every problem can be solved...Nothing has a "happy ending" at the very end, and all day, every day, the universe is being desperately unfair to someone or another.

Week 34, 2023
Your life has meaning. You know that to be true, even if occasionally you deny it out of depression or a macabre sense of humor.
And so, why struggle, why strive, when "none of it really matters anyway" ?
I think it is because you have to try, for it to matter.
Maybe it is the historical "fish struggling up onto the land" inside of us, that makes us need struggle or maybe it goes back further than that... Entropy is increasing, everything is falling apart, but life wants to try to pull order from the chaos. Life needs to feel like it is capable of pulling order from the chaos.
Striving, struggling, trying, scraping, any synonym for grappling... MAKES IT MATTER.
And so, why struggle, why strive, when "none of it really matters anyway" ?
I think it is because you have to try, for it to matter.
Maybe it is the historical "fish struggling up onto the land" inside of us, that makes us need struggle or maybe it goes back further than that... Entropy is increasing, everything is falling apart, but life wants to try to pull order from the chaos. Life needs to feel like it is capable of pulling order from the chaos.
Striving, struggling, trying, scraping, any synonym for grappling... MAKES IT MATTER.
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