Weekly Newsletter
Tag: little kindnesses

Week #1, 2025
Week #1 of 2025 has arrived. Wow... look at that stretch of empty squares! So much potential energy waiting to be unleashed on the world! Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? It's a NEW YEAR, and so... a new look to the newsletter! Let me know what you think, and thanks to Eli, my spectacular executive assistant, for all of her hard work pulling it together. I know this is a bit strange... getting the Week #1 of 2025 email on 12/29/2024. But, come Wednesday we will be in the middle of Week #1, 2025. So, think of these 2 days left in 2024 as a launch ramp. ...

Week 14, 2024
Our daily lives are full of routines that provide opportunities to build community. You have to notice and then act.

Week 31, 2023
It takes a lot of energy to change directions. All the grooves, and habits, and routines are tugging you back to the into the rut of the old you, and you MUST keep working until you are free of the gravitational pull of the old stuff and into the orbit of the new you.
You can do it. You just have to do it, and then keep doing it.
You can do it. You just have to do it, and then keep doing it.
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