Week #13, 2025
Week #13 of 2025 has arrived... And we have safely passed the Ides of March... Just incase any of you Caesars were worried. Et tu, Brute! Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? This week is all about my back. It was bothering me this week... Who knows why... but that meant that a few times this week, instead of barreling through my agenda like an unbridled force of nature, I needed to lay on the ground for a few minutes. Each time, our wonderful 100 lb, loveable mutt Walter came over, laid nearly on top of me, and rested his head on my chest. When he does that, I often wonder...

Week #12, 2025
Week #12 of 2025 has arrived... Spring is here! Spring is here!... if only for a minute!!! Death and rebirth... it's glorious when it comes! Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? Are you in a season of saying no, or a season of saying yes? I recently realized that it was time for me to stop saying no to everything, and start saying yes a bit more... No was useful for a while. There were too many things... Focus was essential. But, it is easy to get all caught up in your perfectly curated situation, and not notice as things get stale, novelty dries up, and growth grinds to a halt. Everything...

Week #11, 2025
The people around you are having a huge effect on the expression of your personality.

Week #10, 2025
Week #10 of 2025 has arrived... We are almost 1/5th of the way through the year that just began a hot second ago. But... the spring is on the way... lush, vibrant worlds, springing to life again. It's damn near magical. Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? You know what blows my mind? Rivers. How can there possibly be enough little tributaries to fill the Mississippi River every second of every day, forever? It's mind-blowing. Nearly everything has a kernel of wonder if you can convince yourself to stop knowing things just for a second. If you have read this newsletter or listened to the podcast a few times, (and enjoyed...

Week #9, 2025
It's fine to take a share of what life offers to you. But don't chase it, in fact be happy to abstain from it. That is the path to contentment and wisdom.

Week #8, 2025
It hasn't always been this way, and it won't always be this way. What way it will be is up to the people who choose to lead. That SHOULD BE YOU!

Week #7, 2025
Week #7 of 2025 has arrived. The world is changing. But then again, it always is. What doesn't change? The seasons, the sunrise, the truth that the world is a place of abundance, if you would only start to see it. Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? Last week on the podcast I mentioned that I was curious who listens... I said I would consider 10 emails that said "I'm listening" a success. We received 6. So, this week on the podcast I joked that it was the last week of the podcast. Likely there was at least one person who, in the pregnant pause, thought, "Dang, I should have sent...
good life,
living well,

Week #6, 2025
Don't mistake kindness for weakness, and don't mistake strength for integrity.
4K Weeks,
customer service,
daily action,
get busy,
get happy,

Week #5, 2025
The thing about cycles is this. While inevitable and heroically beautiful, they are simultaneously tragic and sucky.

Week #4, 2025
Week #4 of 2025 has arrived. The polar vortex has sent super cold weather to the Great Plains. My hands hurt it's so cold. The polar vortex is cyclical. Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? Cycles. Everything cycles. And yet, cycles don't exist in a vacuum. We are imprisoned in the cycles of: the universe, the earth, human history, our country, our culture, our politics, our family, etc... but we aren't imprisoned by those cycles. And while as individuals we can't remove ourselves from the cycles we find ourselves in, our actions do affect the trajectory and duration of the cycles. You do have agency. However, it is often not the agency that...
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