Weekly Newsletter

Tag: creating new things

Week 33, 2024

Week 33, 2024

The goal is to be great on your best days, and good enough on your worst.

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Week 40, 2023

Week 40, 2023

Everything that gets in the way of the thing you want to do is ego. And ego can never be satisfied. It always wants more... It all comes back to the work. The work I need to be doing is different than the work you need to be doing.

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Week 35, 2023

Week 35, 2023

I have been pulling the Massive Action Society together, and it is a lot of moving pieces. A lot of systems need to be "just so" so that everything happens the way it is supposed to.  I am trying to channel my inner Oliver Burkeman. He mentioned this strategy on The Drive podcast last week.  Instead of being focused on the outcome, anticipating and hoping and angling... try to be curious.  "I wonder what will happen."

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