Weekly Newsletter
Tag: choose each day

Week #3, 2025
Week #3 of 2025 has arrived. Wow. And just like that we are 5.76923077 percent through 2025. Does it surprise you how "little" 5 percent of the year is? 2025 is a flash in the pan. Enjoy it! Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? I got an email "thank you" from a reader this week. She was specifically thanking me for four sentences that hit her at just the right moment earlier this year. I had forgotten that I wrote them. But they bear repeating as we all try to make a fresh start this year. Don't carry anything into the new year that isn't serving your purpose. Here are the...

Week #48, 2024
Week 48 of 2024 has arrived. The holiday planning and decorations are in full swing. Enjoy it. It's the most human thing in the world to celebrate the endings and beginnings of things. Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done? I have been writing this weekly newsletter for 2 years and 2 weeks. 106 weekly newsletters. Does that seem like a lot? I have been recording the podcast for a year and 2 weeks. 54 podcasts. Does that seem like a lot? It doesn't seem like it has been that long, and also it seems like I have always been writing it each week. I think that is when a good habit...

April 21, 2024
When a person is set against adversity, where success is improbable, either as a team or an individual, and they rise to the occasion, it fills us up and makes us proud to be human... regardless of the skill level.

Week 19, 2024
Maintenance isn't fun, usually, and often seems like a waste of time. But if you stop thinking of these things as your possessions, and start thinking of yourself of a caretaker, the relationship becomes richer and more meaningful. And it also helps sort the wheat from the chaff with regard to your stuff. If you aren't willing to have a relationship with it, it probably owns you.

Week 12, 2024
Give something nearly all that you have this week. Somehow, in some way, ask yourself to do more than you think you can, and then just ask again for a bit more.

Week 1, 2024
You have to be ok with an imperfect start. You have to laser focus on your goal while still fending off and plowing through all of the INEVITABLE distractions. It's more important to be resilient and persistent than it is to be perfect.

Week 41, 2023
A second, a minute, an hour, and a week, are all objectively measurable... but... as we all know, our experience of a second can feel like an hour, likewise, a week can feel like a second. And so... how can we act each day to make that day as rich and long of an experience as possible?

Week 40, 2023
Everything that gets in the way of the thing you want to do is ego. And ego can never be satisfied. It always wants more... It all comes back to the work. The work I need to be doing is different than the work you need to be doing.
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