
Tag: doing the work

Week 29, 2024

Week 29, 2024

The only way to heal and grow stronger is to rip off the band-aid, look honestly at the festering wound, and start cutting out the rot.

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Week 25, 2024

Week 25, 2024

What do you want?  And how can you go about getting at it? I am on that journey with you, wandering around in the dark, trying to make sense of how to "do this right".

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Week 12, 2024

Week 12, 2024

Give something nearly all that you have this week. Somehow, in some way, ask yourself to do more than you think you can, and then just ask again for a bit more. 

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Week 6, 2024

Week 6, 2024

Nearly everyone overestimates what they can get done in a day, and underestimates what they can get done in a year.

Expect great things for yourself... we're all counting on you

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Week 5, 2024

Week 5, 2024

I've worked hard on things that didn't pan out, and I've worked hard on things that did.  The only unifying theme in my life is that I have benefited from, and learned to love hard work. (Most kinds.)

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Week 47, 2023

Week 47, 2023

If you want to get good at something, you are going to need to first be ok being bad at it. If you can do that, then the next thing to do is figure out how you can put yourself in situation where you can safely make a whole bunch of mistakes in a short time. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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Week 46, 2023

Week 46, 2023

Certainly the structure of our world isn't fair, and clearly, when the deck is literally stacked against you, and when the culture you exist in is built to keep you down, "I think I cans" have to hit a bit different. But... even if you start on home base, or in the dugout, or in the parking lot... I still believe that: believing in yourself, holding yourself accountable, having a forward-focused attitude, pushing yourself beyond what you think you can accomplish, and hustling matters.

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Week 24, 2023

Week 24, 2023

Week 24 of 2023 has arrived... Dunked into the slow moving Dutch canal of your life like a fictional Rebecca Welton. I was wondering... What do you want?  Seriously. I have my own agenda... which primarily is: Motivating people to put the blood, sweat, tears and time into the work of being their best, most interesting, weirdest selves, while at the same time striving to personally live up to the above, while respecting my responsibilities as a Husband, Father, Son, and Friend. This is my mission both because it's incredibly rewarding, and also... I want to live in that world! So... What can I do to help?  More emails? Different topics? Motivational posters? Videos? Podcasts? Something I haven't even thought...

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