
Tag: friends

Week 44, 2023

Week 44, 2023

Want is such a pivotal part of our daily experience that no story or character is believable unless there is want... A hole to be filled, a mountain to be climbed, a star to be grasped, a feeling to be felt. Maybe that is the curse of human existence... that we, unlike all other animals, have found a way to articulate the existence of the bottomless pit inside ourselves, but still haven't found a reliable way to fill it.

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Week 12, 2023

Week 12, 2023

Here is the thing, and I don't mean for this to be a heavy burden, but... The Universe needs you to be striving. Striving to be a better: human, dad, mom, business person, neighbor, etc. 

The only way to lead is by example, and that means being better.  I want to live in a universe where you expect greatness from me, and I expect greatness from you.

Not as a contest among mortals, but as extreme ownership mutually shared among divine beings.

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