Week #8, 2025

Week #8, 2025

It hasn't always been this way, and it won't always be this way. What way it will be is up to the people who choose to lead. That SHOULD BE YOU! 

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Week #7, 2025

Week #7, 2025

Week #7 of 2025 has arrived. The world is changing. But then again, it always is. What doesn't change? The seasons, the sunrise, the truth that the world is a place of abundance, if you would only start to see it. Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square.  Done? Last week on the podcast I mentioned that I was curious who listens... I said I would consider 10 emails that said "I'm listening" a success. We received 6. So, this week on the podcast I joked that it was the last week of the podcast. Likely there was at least one person who, in the pregnant pause, thought, "Dang, I should have sent...

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Week 27, 2023

Week 27, 2023

Your path is your path

And while it may be informed by the good and bad choices of all those who came before you, you (and you only) bear responsibility for your path.

And so own it, make peace with it, rip the band-aids off, look your weaknesses and shortcomings in the eye and just keep growing.

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