Week 30, 2024
Week 30 of 2024 has arrived. How will you fill in your square this week? Will you fill it with regret, grievance and missed opportunities, or will you fill it with intention, gusto and your best efforts?
Time to walk over to your 4K Weeks poster and fill in another square. Done?
I have been struggling a bit lately. It's all way better than fine, but I finally got to the root of the issue. Lack of progress.
One of the best predictors of life satisfaction is "Do you feel like you are making progress?"
So, if there are people around you, and you want to make their lives better, help them move forward... and for yourself... make a plan (the hardest part) and start marching down the path of your own creation.
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Remarkable Weeks
Week 30 of 1954, J.R.R. Tolkien had the first volume of the Lord of the Rings, "Fellowship of the Ring," published in London. SO. DANG. GOOD! He was 3,264.57 weeks old (62.60 yrs).
Week 30 of 1967, Cicely Saunders founded St. Christopher's in London, the first modern hospice which advanced the movement for palliative and hospice care. (My mom was a Hospice Chaplain for decades before she retired. It is the work of angels.) She was 2,561.29 weeks old (49.12 yrs).
Week 30 of 1985, Ingrid Kristiansen became the first woman to run 10,000m in less than 31 minutes and breaking the world record at 30 minutes, 59 seconds, and 42 milliseconds. She was 1,531.43 weeks old (29.36 yrs).
This Week's Quote
God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
This quote slapped me in the face when I heard Terry Crews say it to Tim Ferriss earlier this week. I have been saying it quietly to myself all week long to shore up my resolve.
At first it sounds like it could have come from the mouth of some old-timey fire and brimstone preacher, just before he condemns all the rock and rollers and all the sinful dancers to hell... but then you notice it was penned by Emerson and it takes you back a bit.
I felt the truth of it calling me to be brave instantly. Not brave in big ways...that's easy and big moments rarely occur... but every day has opportunities to be brave in all the small ways.
What is the work of God? All the major religions say the primary work of God is creation. And, as a non-dogmatic, non-joiner who believes that he knows very little, even I can get behind that. The work of the Universe is creation too... but the quote works better with "God" and "his".
We are the agents of creation. (One of these is true: God created man to be agents of creation, or we are just super capable ants building super complex ant hills...I am ok with either.)
With our every bit of time, energy and treasure, we create the world we have to live in tomorrow. And we must be brave. We cannot build a beautiful tomorrow if we do not have courage.
We all must have the courage to look squarely at our shortcomings and learn how to grow into the beautiful beings that this world needs us to be.
For the strong man, courage might be embracing his emotions and vulnerability; for the weak man, courage might be accessing his strength in spite of fear. We each have our weaknesses, we each have our own work to do.
Bravery might be as small as putting your phone down, and thus breaking the habit of drinking from the firehose of fear, divisiveness and forced "engagement"..and then in that created space beginning to manifest something beautiful.
Have the courage to not shy away from the hard work and hard moments that will give you the strength you need to be the person you must become so that we can all live in the best version of this world.
What I am Consuming This Week
This article from Will Hutton and The Guardian about Britan's wealth and putting our collective "shoulder to the wheel". This is not an article about the US, which might make it easier for US ears to hear. I am a firm believer that the world would be better (and each of our lives would be better) if the focus was less on "getting my just desserts" (individual wealth) and more on "we all pull in the same direction" (collective wealth).
Revisionist History, "Hitler's Olympics. A series.
Parts 1-4" A very entertaining account of the world's thoughts leading up to the Berlin Olympic Games.
Tim Ferriss Show "#752: Terry Crews and Richard Koch". Sgt. Terry Jeffords is a fave around our house, and Terry Crews doesn't disappoint. A very nuanced and interesting man who happens to also be a strongman.
The Daily, "A Republican Election Clerk vs. Trump Die Hards". If you think US elections aren't "safe and secure" go sign up to be a poll worker. Your mind will be changed. Seriously... don't say a single word about it if you aren't willing to do this.
The Economics of Everyday Things. "#56 Snake Venom". We go to a beautiful spot in the Ozarks every summer. Last year my wife saw a Cottonmouth swimming towards us as we six adults sat in chairs in the river. (Cottonmouths swim on top of the water, water snakes swim below.) It scooted by us and took refuge in a shallow submerged stump nearby... My buddy and I went about rooting it out, and were likely a bit too carefree now that I know how much it costs to get treated with antivenin. Gadzooks... I thought rabies shots were expensive...(ask me how I know!)
Instagram Motivation.
- I am torn on if these are worth the risk of you all opening up the endless feed... thoughts?
- Ruining kids for profit! yeah!
- Oh, that's awesome... and gross.
- For public... ...speakers
- Tom Hanks... So good.
- You think your story is random?
What I am Thinking About This Week
Taking your Shot.
I have been thinking about this for a few months.
Playing basketball twice a week means that I am regularly in a "clock running out, down by 1 point" situation.
One thing I have noticed is that there are clearly people who want the ball in that situation, and people who don't.
This may surprise you, but I am one who typically doesn't want the ball. I am not the greatest shooter, and so my focus in those moments has been to help get the ball to the shooters. Which might be the right role for me in that moment... but I have been thinking hard about what it means...
Because there is some truth to the phrase "how you do one thing is how you do everything."
It's not an absolute, and maybe even not accurate, but it's worth looking at more deeply, both for me personally and for all of us collectively.
In basketball it's easy to pinpoint those clutch moments... And when you are on a team, you are playing a role. Maybe the "courageous" thing to do in that moment is to fight like hell to get the ball... and then hand the glory over to a teammate with a better shooting percentage.
But, in life it is easy to let "clutch" moments slip by unnoticed... or to pass the buck and excuse yourself from 100% ownership of yours and our fate... After all, if you weren't the one to take the shot, you don't have to deal with the internal and external disappointment of missing.
Think of two worlds... one where no one takes ownership, and another where everyone takes 100% ownership. I know which one I would prefer to live in.
God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. Say it again.
Have a great week!
P.S. send me a note if you have a question or topic you want me to addresss.
Dad Joke O' The Week
It was an emotional wedding
—even the cake was in tiers.
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