Weekly Newsletter
Tag: actions

Week 34, 2024
Life is Struggle, Struggle is Life, would that make even the messiest struggle more noble?

Week 32, 2024
I choose to think that what I do and what I don't do matters. I choose to believe I have agency.

Week 30, 2024
If there are people around you, and you want to make their lives better, help them move forward... and for yourself... make a plan and start marching down the path of your own creation.

Week 29, 2024
The only way to heal and grow stronger is to rip off the band-aid, look honestly at the festering wound, and start cutting out the rot.

April 21, 2024
When a person is set against adversity, where success is improbable, either as a team or an individual, and they rise to the occasion, it fills us up and makes us proud to be human... regardless of the skill level.

Week 12, 2024
Give something nearly all that you have this week. Somehow, in some way, ask yourself to do more than you think you can, and then just ask again for a bit more.

Week 52, 2023
Your life is a project. It is a complex, multi-dimensional initiative that would require a department of 100 people to successfully bring to market. But... you are just one person, not a department of 100...

Week 51, 2023
If you are considering a change for the better, you need to acknowledge the you that you have to let go of. It's ok to be sad and to grieve that version of yourself... but the price of every new and better version of you is leaving the old version behind.

Week 9, 2023
Profit is important, no doubt. Actually valuing your customers usually protects and improves your profit.
Show up for the people in your life with ACTIONS. Your customers, your friends, your neighbors... Words are wind.
If you do that, the profits will take care of themselves.
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