Weekly Newsletter
Tag: 4K Weeks

Week 10, 2024
None of us is perfect. The goal should be to be great in act 60 % or more of the time. That is when you will see growth, and start to build habits to put that 60% on autopilot so you can get to the remaining 40%. Sometimes I remind myself that everything is a trend... make sure your good habits are trending up and to the right.

Week 7, 2024
Sometimes a thing just has to be done in less than ideal circumstances. And if it has to be done, just do it, and try to smile. The second you realize that you have choice, then the question is: "Who do I want to become?"

Week 6, 2024
Nearly everyone overestimates what they can get done in a day, and underestimates what they can get done in a year.
Expect great things for yourself... we're all counting on you

Week 41, 2023
A second, a minute, an hour, and a week, are all objectively measurable... but... as we all know, our experience of a second can feel like an hour, likewise, a week can feel like a second. And so... how can we act each day to make that day as rich and long of an experience as possible?

Week 36, 2023

Week 35, 2023

Week 34, 2023
And so, why struggle, why strive, when "none of it really matters anyway" ?
I think it is because you have to try, for it to matter.
Maybe it is the historical "fish struggling up onto the land" inside of us, that makes us need struggle or maybe it goes back further than that... Entropy is increasing, everything is falling apart, but life wants to try to pull order from the chaos. Life needs to feel like it is capable of pulling order from the chaos.
Striving, struggling, trying, scraping, any synonym for grappling... MAKES IT MATTER.

Week 33, 2023

Week 32, 2023
I believe that chasing dreams IS holy magic in a sacred place. I want to shake all of the joyless people working an angle, and tell them "WE NEED YOUR FULL CREATIVITY AND ENROLLMENT HERE!!!" Please, this week, regardless of the cost/benefit calculation, bring your full self to whatever you are doing. It will help make the world a more interesting place for all of us.
We are launching the 66 Day Massive Action Society in September. The 66 Day M.A.S. is my attempt to help you squeeze a bit more juice out of life for a minute. It's a sprint to accomplish a big project, and/or a streak to help you change a habit. It is 66 days of a daily action, defined by you, to accomplish a goal, defined by you.

Week 31, 2023
You can do it. You just have to do it, and then keep doing it.
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