Week 47, 2023

Week 47, 2023

If you want to get good at something, you are going to need to first be ok being bad at it. If you can do that, then the next thing to do is figure out how you can put yourself in situation where you can safely make a whole bunch of mistakes in a short time. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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Week 46, 2023

Week 46, 2023

Certainly the structure of our world isn't fair, and clearly, when the deck is literally stacked against you, and when the culture you exist in is built to keep you down, "I think I cans" have to hit a bit different. But... even if you start on home base, or in the dugout, or in the parking lot... I still believe that: believing in yourself, holding yourself accountable, having a forward-focused attitude, pushing yourself beyond what you think you can accomplish, and hustling matters.

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Week 45, 2023

Week 45, 2023

Having a failure is fine, maybe even essential. I think we are all who we are because of how we handled adversity more than how we handle success. You don't have to own anything outside of your control. All you can control is how you take the next step through the world. 

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Week 44, 2023

Week 44, 2023

Want is such a pivotal part of our daily experience that no story or character is believable unless there is want... A hole to be filled, a mountain to be climbed, a star to be grasped, a feeling to be felt. Maybe that is the curse of human existence... that we, unlike all other animals, have found a way to articulate the existence of the bottomless pit inside ourselves, but still haven't found a reliable way to fill it.

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Week 43, 2023

Week 43, 2023

Be relentless... if you keep plowing forward, if you keep hitting it hard, if you keep driving your legs, it's more likely that something will break loose. The only way forward is through... to opportunity.

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Week 42, 2023

Week 42, 2023

It's ok to just acknowledge that something sucks...And when a friend is in a tight spot,  you don't have to always provide a solution...I always want to find solutions. But... not every problem can be solved...Nothing has a "happy ending" at the very end, and all day, every day, the universe is being desperately unfair to someone or another.

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Week 41, 2023

Week 41, 2023

A second, a minute, an hour, and a week, are all objectively measurable... but... as we all know, our experience of a second can feel like an hour, likewise, a week can feel like a second. And so... how can we act each day to make that day as rich and long of an experience as possible?

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Week 40, 2023

Week 40, 2023

Everything that gets in the way of the thing you want to do is ego. And ego can never be satisfied. It always wants more... It all comes back to the work. The work I need to be doing is different than the work you need to be doing.

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Week 39, 2023

Week 39, 2023

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in the last decade of focus on "being better" is: It is perpetual. There is no moment of nirvana. The cavalry isn't coming.  Some days are harder, some days are easier, but love and be grateful for the struggle, because it will be there when you wake up in the morning.

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Week 38, 2023

Week 38, 2023

The truth is, everything is uncertain except for this instant, and I am deeply grateful for it. It is so easy to get caught up in the micro-bummers of day to day life... but even spilled coffee, while not my prefered outcome, is still amazing!

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