Weekly Newsletter
Tag: daily efforts

April 21, 2024
When a person is set against adversity, where success is improbable, either as a team or an individual, and they rise to the occasion, it fills us up and makes us proud to be human... regardless of the skill level.

Week 18, 2024
When you start focusing on how someone else isn't on the right path, you take your eyes off your own path. As long as they aren't telling you how you should live, let them fly their flag.

Week 12, 2024
Give something nearly all that you have this week. Somehow, in some way, ask yourself to do more than you think you can, and then just ask again for a bit more.

Week 10, 2024
None of us is perfect. The goal should be to be great in act 60 % or more of the time. That is when you will see growth, and start to build habits to put that 60% on autopilot so you can get to the remaining 40%. Sometimes I remind myself that everything is a trend... make sure your good habits are trending up and to the right.

Week 51, 2023
If you are considering a change for the better, you need to acknowledge the you that you have to let go of. It's ok to be sad and to grieve that version of yourself... but the price of every new and better version of you is leaving the old version behind.

Week 37, 2023
When I was young, I couldn't understand when people would say "You can't have light if you don't have dark, no life without death." As I have gotten older, I have slowly been able to wrap my head around how a thing defines itself by an opposing force... But I still don't like it.

Week 11, 2023
Big heroic gestures really get our juices flowing... they make great movies and, with the right soundtrack, are usually home run heart-string-tuggers. And yet, all the durable wins are in daily actions, repeated over years... the rest is just background noise.
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