
Tag: attitude

Week 7, 2024

Week 7, 2024

Sometimes a thing just has to be done in less than ideal circumstances. And if it has to be done, just do it, and try to smile. The second you realize that you have choice, then the question is: "Who do I want to become?"

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Week 5, 2024

Week 5, 2024

I've worked hard on things that didn't pan out, and I've worked hard on things that did.  The only unifying theme in my life is that I have benefited from, and learned to love hard work. (Most kinds.)

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Week 49, 2023

Week 49, 2023

We are all recovering. Relapse is part of recovery. In everything that you want to improve, on every personal hill that you are climbing, you will eventually backslide. Hopefully you don't tumble all the way down the hill. Hopefully you slide to a stop and immediately refocus on the summit that inspired you in the first place. 

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Week 42, 2023

Week 42, 2023

It's ok to just acknowledge that something sucks...And when a friend is in a tight spot,  you don't have to always provide a solution...I always want to find solutions. But... not every problem can be solved...Nothing has a "happy ending" at the very end, and all day, every day, the universe is being desperately unfair to someone or another.

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Week 40, 2023

Week 40, 2023

Everything that gets in the way of the thing you want to do is ego. And ego can never be satisfied. It always wants more... It all comes back to the work. The work I need to be doing is different than the work you need to be doing.

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Week 36, 2023

Week 36, 2023

I think I have spent the last year thinking "Don't hit the rock!" about various creative and business ventures. And I am going to try to be done with that. It's going to take some reminding, and some mental habit adjusting, but I have confidence that I am ready to move on to "find the path."

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Week 7, 2023

Week 7, 2023

The difference between terror and exhilaration is often just whether you are standing on your heels or your toes. The same experience can be vastly different just based on your attitude.


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