Weekly Newsletter
Tag: attitude
Week #38, 2024
I think that committing to a Daily Action, for a period of time, is the best way to change the trajectory of your life.
Week 36, 2024
The rivers are moving to the sea, and we are moving toward the same; the sea of molecules and matter from which all life springs and eventually returns.
action items,
be curious,
state of mind,
Week 32, 2024
I choose to think that what I do and what I don't do matters. I choose to believe I have agency.
Week 29, 2024
The only way to heal and grow stronger is to rip off the band-aid, look honestly at the festering wound, and start cutting out the rot.
Week 27, 2024
Thinking of time as a cycle rather than a unidirectional line has made the background anxiety around current crises easier to bear.
Week 24, 2024
Some things are just to be endured. There is a melancholy to being human, and it's ok to just sit with it sometimes. It's still the best thing going, and I mean that with every cell that I have...
Week 19, 2024
Maintenance isn't fun, usually, and often seems like a waste of time. But if you stop thinking of these things as your possessions, and start thinking of yourself of a caretaker, the relationship becomes richer and more meaningful. And it also helps sort the wheat from the chaff with regard to your stuff. If you aren't willing to have a relationship with it, it probably owns you.
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