Weekly Newsletter
Tag: state of mind
Week 22, 2024
We should be looking for high leverage activities. Levers that, when we pull them, make a much bigger impact than the effort it took to pull them.
Week 19, 2024
Maintenance isn't fun, usually, and often seems like a waste of time. But if you stop thinking of these things as your possessions, and start thinking of yourself of a caretaker, the relationship becomes richer and more meaningful. And it also helps sort the wheat from the chaff with regard to your stuff. If you aren't willing to have a relationship with it, it probably owns you.
Week 18, 2024
When you start focusing on how someone else isn't on the right path, you take your eyes off your own path. As long as they aren't telling you how you should live, let them fly their flag.
Week 16, 2024
Everything is always a struggle. And in light of that truth, the truth that the path ahead is murky and overgrown at BEST, your mindset and your intention are likely more important than the choices you make moment to moment.
Week 15, 2024
I think of The Great Sadness as the hole that none of us can fill. No matter how hard you try... you just can't fill it. It's something you just have to hold, awkwardly...
Week 14, 2024
Our daily lives are full of routines that provide opportunities to build community. You have to notice and then act.
Week 10, 2024
None of us is perfect. The goal should be to be great in act 60 % or more of the time. That is when you will see growth, and start to build habits to put that 60% on autopilot so you can get to the remaining 40%. Sometimes I remind myself that everything is a trend... make sure your good habits are trending up and to the right.
Week 7, 2024
Sometimes a thing just has to be done in less than ideal circumstances. And if it has to be done, just do it, and try to smile. The second you realize that you have choice, then the question is: "Who do I want to become?"
Week 5, 2024
I've worked hard on things that didn't pan out, and I've worked hard on things that did. The only unifying theme in my life is that I have benefited from, and learned to love hard work. (Most kinds.)
Week 4, 2024
You can choose to be tougher. You should value toughness over ability. You always have a choice to endure, to push yourself a bit farther than you prefer.
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