Week 10, 2023
Week ten is here. Bursting through the soil like a daffodil, just before the last winter snow.
It's time to walk over to your 4K Weeks Poster, and fill in one more square... Done?
Here goes...WOW! Lesson learned... I certainly should have had my wife proof read the last email... Lots of "mistakes" found, so thank you to Cate, Stephanie, Maria, Amanda, Tomas, Jordan, Nigel, Abe, and Lisa for that! Enjoy the Year Goal posters!
The intentional mistake was one too few "slippin'"s in the subject. Only one person found it. Nice job Seth!
Keep changing the world!
The 4K Weeks Brightsider- A Multicolor Extravaganza!
The 4K Weeks Fade to Black- Momento Mori, Anyone?
The 4K Weeks Long View- A Different Horizon
The 4K Weeks Fade to Black- Momento Mori, Anyone?
The 4K Weeks Long View- A Different Horizon
Remarkable Weeks
Week #10 in the year 1988, Stephen Hawking published "A Brief History of Time" which appeared on the Sunday Times Bestseller List for a record breaking 237 weeks. He was 2407.71 weeks old. (46.17 yrs)
Week #10 in the year 1945, George Nissen received a patent for the first modern trampoline, providing endless work for pediatric emergency room physicians for decades to come. He was 1622.00 weeks old. (31.10 yrs)
Week #10 in the year 1952, Terence Rattigan's stage drama "Deep Blue Sea" premieres in London. He was 2125.57 weeks old. (40.76 yrs)
This Week's Quote
" To love another person is to see the face of God"- Victor Hugo
" Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" - Victor Hugo
(Why are there two quotes this week? Well, I short-changed Mr. Hugo last week by falsely attributing the quote to Winston Churchill...when it was, in fact, Victor Hugo! Thank you to Abe for catching the error!)
Surely there is nothing more divine than loving another more than you love yourself.
There are people for whom I would give it all up in an instant, without a second thought. What a blessing to know that kind of love. I wish it for you.
The second quote has been on my mind lately. We need hope the same as we need oxygen. When we find a reminder that the sun will shine again, it is worth holding on to.
Ruston Kelly has a lyric in his song "Mending Song" that is the same... I am a sucker for a dad quoted in a song...
"Was then I heard the words of my father,
"Have faith, there's no storm that doesn't pass"
Faith in what? God, The Universe, Yourself? Who cares. It's the having faith that is important. HAVE FAITH.
What I am Thinking About This Week
Action items.
I was talking with a friend about the changes I have made in my diet and my fitness. I told him exactly what I was doing, meal by meal, day by day.
At the end he said "I just needed someone to lay it all out for me."
I think that is a very common sentiment. Life is crazy, and there is too much to do. When you want to make a change, how can you possibly fit in the time to become an expert: nutritionist, trainer, business coach, investor, parent, caregiver, etc, etc.
We all need a map for this type of roadblock to change. I think the solution is:
1) Find the 20 percent that gives you the 80 percent. (If it requires technical expertise, someone else has usually done this work for you)
2) Boil the 20% down into less than 5 dos and don'ts.
3) Have a planned pressure release valve. (I hate the phrase, but this would be called a "cheat day" it's not cheating if you planned it!) All of us can tolerate the mental toughness needed to run, as long as it is "from here to there". But starting a race with no finish line is mentally tough for even a Navy Seal... and he doesn't have to get the kids to school on time!
I could write a ton more about this and the specifics of what I mean, but most of you need to get on with your day... If you have a specific area that you are struggling to apply this to, shoot me an email, let's see if I can make it make sense for your situation. No promises other than to try.
Thanks for being a part of the journey with us! Please tell me if you liked/disliked the email this week. Ask my wife... those are the only emails I like to get!
Spencer, Owner of 4KWeeks.com
Dad Joke'o The Week
Why can't you run through a campground? You can only "Ran" because it's past tents!
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