Accountability. My best friend and I have developed an accountability system for exercise. We both have been athletic across our lives, but at 45, with lots of competing interests, it's hard to make it a priority.
It falls solidly in Quadrant 2... Important but not urgent.
This method has been pretty damn effective in keeping us exercising... not always... sometimes the other priorities win, but it does work. It has evolved over time to suit the goals we are after... Here is the evolution:
First we started texting each other. Every day. If you exercised today, a green check mark emoji, if not, a red x emoji.
But, exercise is about consistency over time. A daily pass/fail was too simple... what if I PLANNED on not exercising today because it is a rest day. I WANT CREDIT!
So, now we do this: Same daily texting, but instead of a daily snapshot, it is the trailing 7 days. If I have exercised 5 of the last 7, then the two rest days (7-5=2) are green x's. If not, all non-exercise days are red x's. The build up of a few "prioritization fails" really helps make it happen. I'll put a screenshot below.
I have a few other daily accountability things that have been really working for me, and I have been thinking about trying to bring that success system to any of you who are interested. There has been a pretty good response, and now the question is how and when. If you are interested in being involved, or if you have ideas on execution, email me here.
Accountability works.
Thanks for being a part of the journey with us! Please let me know if you liked/disliked the content this week.
Talk to you next week.
-Spencer, Owner of
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