Week #52, but who's counting.

Week #52, but who's counting.

Bingo!  All the squares are filled up, and another year is waiting to pull you across the timeline of the Universe

Time to stand up, walk over to your 4K Weeks poster, and fill in the next square. How many more squares until your birthday?


Ok, here are a few pieces of peanut brittle from us to you. Share the joke at your New Years gathering!

I don't know what to say this week, except maybe... it's just another week.  Clocks, calendars, days, weeks, minutes... we made them all up. They don't exist.  The sun rises and falls. So... if the New Year is helpful, use it, set some goals.  If the New Year is fraught, and full of anxiety, forget it.  Wait till mid-January to set some goals.  Who cares.  The Universe doesn't, in the best way. 

If you do decide to set some goals, and make some new things happen... would you be interested in joining a group of people chipping away at their ONE BIG GOAL, and holding each other accountable for 60 days? If we have enough people interested we might build it.  No promises... maybe.  Interested? Tell me why. 

Print your #1 goal here with 365 empty boxes. Get it now.
  1. Week #52 in the year 2009, Barack Obama Publicly received his vaccination for the H1N1 Swine Flu in an effort to show that vaccinations are safe and effective.   He was 2524.29 weeks old. (48.41 yrs)
  2. Week #52 in the year 1973, Richard Nixon signed into law the Endangered Species Act, which he had called for the previous year. It is considered one of the most significant environmental laws in American history. He was 3181.14 weeks old. (61.00 yrs)
  3. Week #53 in the year 1995, Bill Wattersoncreator of Calvin and Hobbes, published the comic's final strip. He was 1956.14 weeks old. (37.51 yrs)  Here is my favorite one:
Calvin and Hobbes, simple man.

CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1992 Watterson.Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

This Week's Quote

"Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it." - Ella Williams

 Create situations for yourself where the only way out, is through. Burn the boats. Commit.  DO THE THING!  If you do, one day you will look back and think... "I can't believe I used to think that was a big bite!"  

What I am Thinking About This Week

When typing up the last "Remarkable Week" today (Bill Watterson) I fell down a rabbit hole about licensing.  Here is the article.  

I love it when I read about someone not falling for the lure of millions.  It takes so much courage to have integrity in the face of MORE!

I don't know hardly anything about Bill Watterson.  But it seems he believed that his art would be cheapened if he let people put it on mugs, backpacks, and t-shirts. And so, he missed out on the millions, and millions, and millions of dollars he would have received. I failed that test once when I was young and hungry, now that I am a bit wiser, I don't intend to fail it again.

It's refreshing when the bottom line isn't "MORE"!

So, decide what is "enough" for you, and stick to it when someone offers you MOAAAARRRRR!

It reminds me of a story about Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Heller, and a hedge fund manager... HERE.

Thanks for being a part of the journey with us! Please let me know if you liked/disliked the content this week.

Talk to you next week.

-Spencer, Owner of 4KWeeks.com

Dad Joke'o The Week

What is harder to catch the faster you run?    Your Breath.

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P.S. Hear a great quote, Topic, or joke we should use? Email me at the link above. Cheers!

P.P.S. What are you working on?  We are working on building new tools... Have thoughts? Send them over!

P.P.P.S Thanks for reading down this far. I worked hard to make it worth it,

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