The DOB you entered is
The headline you entered for your poster is
Please click Accept to show that you have double checked and approved all custom information you entered.
4K Weeks posters are custom printed and we can’t change or refund orders with incorrectly entered information. Cheers!
Filling in this field allows you to create a custom headline on your poster. Instead of "MY LIFE IN WEEKS", the text you place in this field will be the poster headline. PLEASE NOTE: This is a custom poster, and we will print the headline exactly as you enter it here. The font size is dependent upon how many characters you enter. (See photos for reference.) THIS POSTER IS CUSTOM AND THEREFORE NON-REFUNDABLE, so please proofread your selections carefully.

Checking this box will leave the space at top of the poster blank. We will not print any text, including "My Life In Weeks" on the top of the poster, it will be completely blank.